I'm afraid I can't help you with photographing radio waves, but photographing infra red light is actually quite simple; almost any camera can do it. Most cameras actually have a slightly wider range of vision (in terms of electromagnetic spectrum) an the human eye. including a portion of the the infra red spectrum, An entertaining way to demonstrate this is find a remote control (Like for your television) that utilized infra red technology, and look at the LED on the end as you change channels through the viewfinder of a camera- Even camera phones work! It's a lot of fun- I do it when I'm bored. =D
they use radio waves to pick up some what satellite images or existance of things in space
Optical telescopes use either lens' (refractory) or mirrors (reflective) to magnify light. Radio telescopes use dishes to pick up radio waves. sensors on the dishes collect the waves and turn them into a picture
Neither is nesesarily longer a wave can go on forever. Visible light is more reflective than infared light so it will last longer. If you are talking about wavelength, infared lights wavelength is longer.
the instrument used to gather radio waves is a special dish called a parabolic dish
they do not need visivle light to obtain images
Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.
Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.
Radio Telescopes and radio wires
Radio telescopes use parabolic dishes to collect and focus radio waves from space. The dish reflects the radio waves to a receiver, which then converts the waves into electronic signals that can be processed and analyzed.
using radio waves it collects the data.
Gamma rays have the highest frequency among gamma rays, infrared waves, and radio waves.
Yes, that's correct. The longer wavelengths of radio waves mean that radio telescopes have poorer angular resolution compared to optical telescopes. This is because resolving power is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves being observed.
Radio telescopes and infra-red telescopes operate at longer wavelengths/lower frequencies than visible light. Also, ultraviolet telescopes operate at shorter wavelengths/higher frequencies than visible light.
the radio waves be improved by using the bigger signals
they use radio waves to pick up some what satellite images or existance of things in space
As far as I know, there is no "optical radio telescope". There are, separately, optical telescopes (which work with visible light), and radio telescopes (which work with radio waves).
Scientists use radio telescopes to detect and study radio waves traveling through space. These telescopes can collect and analyze radio signals from various celestial objects like stars, galaxies, and pulsars. By studying these radio waves, scientists can gain insights into the properties and behavior of objects in the universe.