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Its a long story.... here it goes. When Ray was 7, He went to the lake with his 5 year old brother. They were specifically told not to go in the lake, but his brother went in. When his brother got in, he got stuck in a quicksand pond. His brother didnt know anything about drowning, or death. He thought it was fun, and was smiling and he asked ray to join in, but ray knew not to. As his brother slowly went down, he was still smiling, his eyes were happy and gleeful. As he drowned, ray froze in fear. His eyes suddenley went funny, and he went blind.(when he was alive) he always wore sunglasses because his eyes were all wonky and funny. And that is how he went blind.And please do not trust me on this story, because, at my school, kalamunda primary, the music teacher MR KAN (i dont know how to spell it) told us that exact story. I dont really believe it but, he told all the classes he taught. maybe he is just a liar

Subbmitted By Claire.

This answer is not exactly correct, but it's a good story! ray Charles was about 5 when his younger brother died. His brother died by drowning in a portable laundry tub. At the age of 7 he went blind by, supposedly, untreated glaucoma.

Revised by nakeya kelley

Acually you are both wrong he went blind looking into the microwave and eating pork

Revised by pholloman

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It seems that Ray Charles had glaucoma. He started to go blind when he was five, and completely lost his sight when he was seven.

In an anecdote, Ray Charles suggested he went blind by looking at the sun too much. But he was diagnosed with glaucoma later in life.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Ray charles lost his sight when he was playing in the feild by his home.He couldn't seem to see in front of him.So he became blind a few day after.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It was allegedly Glaucoma. After the death of his brother, stress and mental anguish could have accelerated his condition.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He went blind due to glaucoma which is a condition that impacts the optic nerve.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He had an infection in his eyes and his mother gave him drops and they somehow caused him to be blind at the age of 7

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βˆ™ 12y ago

He made the mistake of viewing one of his own brilliant compositions without the proper protective eyewear

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