Claude Debussy took lessons from Cerutti, a violinist, when he was young. He went to the Paris Conservatoire when he was ten. When he was at the Paris Conservatoire, he studied composition with Ernest Guiraud, music history and theory with Louis-Albret Bourgault-Ducoudray, harmony with Emile Durand, piano with Antoine Francois Marmontel, organ with Cesar Franck, and solfege with Albert Lavignac.
When Claude Debussy went to the Paris Conservatory, his educators were:
Ernest Guiraud for composition, Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray for music history and theory, Émile Durand for harmony, Antoine François Marmontel for piano, César Franck for organ, and Albert Lavignac for solfège.
Claude Debussy played the piano, but composed for various instruments. For instance, each sonata he wrote was all for different instruments.
Claude Debussy played the piano, but composed for various instruments. For instance, each sonata he wrote was all for different instruments.
Clair de lune
Neither Debussy nor any one person could play it. It's a tone-poem for orchestra.
The Prelude to The Afternoon of A Faun is a work for full orchestra. One person could not play it.
Claude Debussy played piano and a lot more.
Claude Debussy played the piano, but composed for various instruments. For instance, each sonata he wrote was all for different instruments.
Claude Debussy played the piano, but composed for various instruments. For instance, each sonata he wrote was all for different instruments.
Claude Debussy took lessons from Cerutti, a violinist. He learned the rest of his musical skills from the Paris Conservatory.
Clair de lune
Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy
Neither Debussy nor any one person could play it. It's a tone-poem for orchestra.
He is important because he helps many people to learn music also all the children that who didnt know how to play music.
Well piano for one lol.
The Prelude to The Afternoon of A Faun is a work for full orchestra. One person could not play it.
learn to play the piano
You learn how to play the piano and then get the sheet music for 'this is the day'.