When Stevie Wonder was born, he required oxygen treatment, as he was born premature. During this treatment, he received too much oxygen, causing premature blindness in his eyes. Nobody knew that because Stevie was blind, he was extremely aware of sounds, and music. He later learned to play the piano at age 7, and then harmonica at 9. His family moved to Detroit, where he joined the church choir, fueling his intrest in gospel and other music styles.
Stevie Wonder's music is classified as R&B (which means Rhythm and Blues) and Pop.
Stevie Wonder's motivation was his childhood interest in music.
Although Stevie Wonder has been active in the music business 2 decades longer than Metallica has, Metallica eventually outsold Stevie Wonder. So, Metallica wins this round!
Stevie Wonder goes by "Little Stevie" Wonder.
Stevie Wonder's motivation was his childhood interest in music.
Stevie Wonder's music is classified as R&B (which means Rhythm and Blues) and Pop.
Stevie Wonder's motivation was his childhood interest in music.
Stevie Wonder has more hit singles than Prince since Stevie has been in the music business considerably longer.
Stevie Wonder, without question. He's more widely known and more influential to music.
Stevie Wonder
He is known for one of the top music
soul pop
Stevie Wonder is more famous because his music reaches a wider audience than Pete Townshend's.
Although Stevie Wonder has been active in the music business 2 decades longer than Metallica has, Metallica eventually outsold Stevie Wonder. So, Metallica wins this round!