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Q: How did Elijah prove that yaweh was the one true god?
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What do Christianity call thir god?

god lord father those are some of the names god is reconized, but the true name is Yaweh

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What are eight of the names used in the Bible or Church documents to refer to the Holy Spirit?

God, Jesus, Yaweh, Lord, Holy Ghost, Hosana, Elijah, and I don't know about the last one.

How can you prove that God is true?

you can't, but you can't prove a negative either.

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Who called down fire from heaven contesting the prophets of Baal?

The prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven when he challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel in a contest to show the true power of God. God answered Elijah's prayer by sending fire to consume the offering, proving that He is the one true God.

What is the prophet's name that was sent by God to the kingdom of Israel to preach that there is only one true god and his name is Yahweh?


Who was the first prophet God sent to the northern kingdom to call the people to have faith er in the one true God?


What is the Name for god meaning i am who am or i am there for you?

Yaweh was the god of the hebrews. Emmanuel means god is with us.

How are christians devoted to god?

True Christians prove their devotion to God by obeying God in the spirit.

What is god called in judiaisim?

God is known by many names, including Yaweh, Jehova, and El Shaddai, just like in Christianity, but the most popular name is Yaweh.

Has anyone ever proved god wrong?

No, but no one can prove god to be true either.