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Geographically close to each other ?

They can be in the same room of the same building, with their antennas on the same roof or tower.

Close to each other in carrier frequency ?

Your radio probably can't separate them if they're less than maybe 400 KHz apart.

Physically close to you ?

There's no danger to you if you're standing in the room where the transmitter is installed,

but you probably don't want to stand in front of the antenna for too long.

Driving past the station's transmitting antenna is no problem for your car radio.

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Q: How close can FM radio transmitters be?
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Can FM transmitters ruin the radio?

Not unless you hard-wire them together. Just driving by an FM transmitter, no matter how close, won't hurt the radio.

What are the Types of transmitters?

Radio, TV, subdivided Radio to CW ( code) AM, FM, stereo, etc.

What a good available fm transmitter for small scale radio use?

This is more a matter of taste but there are a lot of good companies that have good fm transmitters. Monster and iGriffin make some high quality fm transmitters.

Are FM transmitters still relevant in todays market?

Yes. FM transmitters are still relevant in today's market. They are still being sold at retail stores because they may be needed for independent projects and radio shows.

Are FM transmitters a technology of the past?

FM transmitters are considered to be a dinosaur- a thing of past technology. FM transmitters transmits quality local transmissions but are impractical for long range purposes.

What is modulator demodulator more commonly known as?

A modulator-demodulator is more commonly known as a modem. It is a device that enables digital data to be transmitted over analog communication lines, such as phone lines.

Are there scosche fm transmitters that are wireless?

Yes there are scosche fm transmitters. You can look at amazon for a varity of models.

Do iPods have FM transmitters?

Unfortunately, IPods were designed with no FM transmitter in them. There are options, however, that will allow an IPod owner to listen to FM radio. Some of these options include connectors and other devices which will attach to the IPod to allow the owner to listen to an FM station.

Do they make replacement radio control transmitters?

Radioshack will have a large selection of radio control transmitters. Online stores have a greater selection for the type of radio control transmitters for the selected radio transmitters your using.

To play music from my IPOD through my stereo speakers, do I need to use the aux input?

A aux input may be the easiest way to listen to your ipod through your car speakers but it is not the only way. Many manufactures make FM transmitters that will allow you to broadcast your ipod over a FM radio channel that you can then pick up on your car radio. If you do not have a aux input FM transmitters are the best way to play your ipod over your stereo speakers.

Can an FM transmitter be used in a car?

Yes. FM transmitters will work with a car stereo.

Is there an FM transmitter available for use with an HP laptop?

No, there is no FM transmitter for any laptop. FM transmitters are typically used for mp3 players, CD player, and satellite radio systems. If you wanted to listen to the radio on your laptop you can either search your favorite radio stations, and most radio stations offer a way to listen to their broadcast in real time for free. Also there is a website called, which is a free internet radio.