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Q: How can you prove that you are still married?
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If a US citizen is married to an illegal immigrant and leaves her does she still gets her green card?

My guess is no. You have to prove that you have a real marriage to stay.

If a Married man loves other woman how does he prove it?

If a married man loves another woman than his wife, he can prove it by divorcing his wife and marrying this other woman.

A woman proved to be married by pressing her nipples and spilling milk from her breast to her lover How does a man prove to be married?

A man proves that he is married by accepting to wear a wedding ring from his wife

Is usher still married?

apparently, he is still married

How do you prove the Home Office that you are not married as they asked me to do so?

There is no need to prove you are not married. If you make that statement they will believe it unless there is evidence to the contrary. If it is revealed, at a later date that you have lied then you will be open to charges.

You were married then separated for 33 years. Are you still legally married?

Yes, you are still married.

If your husband got deported fromm the US and were still married for 7 years can he get married to someone eles and were still married?

yes he can still get married

Is celion Dion still married?

Yes she is still married.

Is Shawn Michaels still married?

yes he is still married.

Is Celine Dion still married?

Of couse, she is still married.

Is gino vannelli still married?

yes, he is still married

What should a girl do to prove she still cares after he has hurt her?

show it. prove it. only you know the answer to how to do it.