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U can't!

Well, I'm not sure about the Wu-tang clan that you are refering to is the one existing in China which is famed for its unique style Martial Arts. If it is so, then I would like to say, if you go to China, maybe you'll get to join it as long as the Taoist leader there prefers not to reject you. And by the way, Wu-tang is not a clan, instead, it's a mountain where the Chinese Taoists in ancient time chose to establish their sanctuary --- a temple, if you would prefer to call it that. The taoists there basically are concerntrating on the practice of Taoist doctrines. The martial arts that they developed and passed on are only part of their practice. Tai-chi, or the shadow boxing, was developed by them. It is now a famous resort in China and remains under state protection as an ancient cultural relic for all the Chinese to cherish.

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