There are at least one finch species everywhere but Antarctica.
You can keep your zebra finch together with other birds as long as they aren't too much bigger than them. Anything far larger than them will bully them and attack them. They seem to be okay with other pet finch species and canaries. I wouldn't keep them with budgies though. They will get aggressive towards your finch.
Sparrows are a particular type of finch. Both sparrow and finch are extremely widely used names that have no specific meaning when used colloquially. True sparrows are related to weavers and are mostly sombrely coloured but many bird species that are named sparrow are rather spectacularly coloured, such as golden song sparrows.
No Finches will gather with other birds at feeders and the feeder can be placed with other species specific feeders.
Most species of finch migrate, but some, like the house finch, do not.
a finch (bird species) is called "un pinson" in French.
Aliens .... They come in UFO's and arise new polyploid species.
They both are mechanisms by which new species arise grad point
14 different species all originating from one common ancestor that is thought to have it's origin in the Caribbean and not the main land of South America as once thought, there are Warbler finches, they divide into 2 insect eating species called, the Green Warbler finch and the Gray Warbler Finch. The seed eater is the Sharp-beaked ground finch and a bud eater called the Vegetarian Finch. Another group is Tree Finches that divide into Insect Eaters, the Mangrove Finch, Woodpecker Finch, Medium Tree Finch, Small Tree Finch and Large Tree Finch. And the last group is the Ground Finches that divide into 2 groups the first is the cactus flower-eaters which are Large Cactus Ground Finch and the Cactus Ground Finch. The second sub group is the Seed Eaters, Small ground Finch, Medium Ground Finch and the Large Ground Finch.
No, it's a very common species.
Through natural selection and evolution