If you got into a fight with your brother's girlfriend then tell him that if his girlfriend doesn't straighten up you'll break them up your self but if it's less complicated to say sorry then do that.;]
kevins girlfriend
Ashley Green
They died in a street fight
No they dont because they believe tht fighting is a waste of time cuz they will have 2 get over it so they arent mad during concerts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they do fight sometimes 4 very minor things like hey u stole my cap (bro&sis fight)
Because most of the time in an argument the girl wont fight about it unless she knows she's right
If a girlfriend has a brothers property after he has died a family can request that she gives it back. Depending on the length of the relationship, the family should offer some of the brothers items to the girlfriend out of respect.
There Will Be A Big Fight If You Love Him Then Fight For Him If He Has Another GirlFriend He Gonna Pay To you
an argument
An argument or quarrel
the opposite of fight is to agree or to settle an argument ~ Car :)
Strife is a synonym for fight or argument.
The point is, all brothers fight sometimes. Even the Jonas Brothers.
I am 16 years old out of three brothers and we fight.
Antonyms: Disagreement, argument, fight