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No, she personally declared that having any type of surgery scares her, and about her nose, she wouldn't ever change it because it might changer her voice. However, she does uses a slight photoshop for the important photoshoots, and she uses wigs, fake eyelashes, and hair extensions.

But also there is rumors about her Nose Job(Rhinoplasty).

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14y ago
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12y ago

No, actually she said she was "too chicken to do it". Therefore, according to Lady Gaga, she has not had it but she is not against it nor does she judge people who have had it. Well she would have it but shes a chicken to do it.

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14y ago

Yes, she did and it was expencive...Very expencive...

There is rumor about her Nose Job(Rhinoplasty).

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13y ago

lady gaga did have plastic surgery u c she was a man but then changed her gender

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13y ago

Yes, she has had surgeries. In her boobs to make them bigger and on her nose.

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14y ago

Yes, she had and she is now pretty :)

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14y ago

Yes. so what?

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14y ago

Yes ( nearly every celebrity has )

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Q: Did Lady Gaga have surgery
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Why did Lady Gaga have surgery?

Inspite of rumours; At the Current Time , Lady Gaga has had no plastic surgery

Has lady gaga had surgery?

no she is natrual

Did Lady Gaga have a surgery?


What place on did laddy gaga get her plastic surgery?

Lady Gaga got plastic surgery for a refinement on her nose.

When did Lady Gaga write speechless?

lady gaga wrote ,Speechless when her father was forced to get open heart surgery

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None ♥

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DId Lady Gaga have a suragey?

No, nothing has been said about a surgery.

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Lady Gaga's father is Joseph Germanotta.

What happened to Lady Gaga's dad?

He had open heart surgery. Lady GaGa begged her father to get it and even paid for it. In the end it turned out to be a successful surgery.Btw, Lady GaGa wrote and dedicated the song "Speechless" to her father because she was scared that she would lose him before she convinced him to have the surgery.

Why did Lady Gaga get plastic surgery?

Lady Gaga has denied all the rumors of plastic surgery. She has actually made several statements about being happy with yourself in any form you may take and celebrating your perceived flaws.

Did Lady Gaga get plastic surgery?

Yes. She has enhanced cheek bones.