No, there has been speculation that he will appear this season but it is not on any upcoming schedules.
No. there are no books on Adam Lambert yet. yet being the key word here!
Adam Lambert is not married because he's GAY.Actually gay marriage is legal in California. Adam Lambert is not married because he has not met the right person yet.
The only exact answer to this must come from Allison's own lips- and she hasn't admitted to it yet. Adam LAmbert personally called her his best friend and "little sister". Maybe that's all they were, it could or couldn't be all she wanted.
No. Adam Lambert will not be touring with Queen. Although no plans have been made yet, he will probably do more one offs with them at some point in the future.
No , not yet . He has one CD until now (For Your Entertainment) Which was released in November 23rd , 2009 .
No. there are no books on Adam Lambert yet. yet being the key word here!
Adam Lambert has released one single, What Do You Want From Me, which has been aired on MTV among other popular music outlets.
Adam Lambert is not married because he's GAY.Actually gay marriage is legal in California. Adam Lambert is not married because he has not met the right person yet.
no and he has no plans to in the near future....although may do so one day.
Adam has not been in any films yet....however, a video was made of his stage performance in The Ten Commandments and is available on DVD at
Nothin is certain yet, but most likely sometime next year after his next album is released :)
The only exact answer to this must come from Allison's own lips- and she hasn't admitted to it yet. Adam LAmbert personally called her his best friend and "little sister". Maybe that's all they were, it could or couldn't be all she wanted.
No. Adam Lambert will not be touring with Queen. Although no plans have been made yet, he will probably do more one offs with them at some point in the future.
No , not yet . He has one CD until now (For Your Entertainment) Which was released in November 23rd , 2009 .
No, not yet.
There is no season three of Glee yet! Sorry!
Season 1 of Glee has not yet ended.