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Many people believe that the Third Eye does exist among men because there are so many reports of psychic powers or abilities. There does not seem to be any actual scientific proof that this ability exists.

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Q: Does third eye really exist among men?
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Does Lady Gaga have a third eye?

No, Lady Gaga does not have a third eye. Yes, Lady GaGa has a third eye, where her bellybutton should be.

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i hate to burst your bubble but you cann't have a third eye

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You don't have a third eye and if you did it wouldn't need to be "charged."

When was The Third Eye - song - created?

The Third Eye - song - was created in 2006.

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Third Eye Machine was created in 1996.

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This article might answer your quetion: The Third Eye of Islam

Third Eye Blind's album third eye blind what are the names of the songs?

How's It Going to Be

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A soccer 3rd eye is similar to a review or a replay it is used to recap an event that happened during a soccer match, and is really only a benefit to the spectators.

Do Muslims believe in third eye?

Yes, in Hinduism, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment (moksha).

What are the lyrics to How's It Going To Be by the group Third Eye Blind?

Yes, How's It Gonna Be is a song by Third Eye Blind. It was released in 1997.

How do you get a third eye?
