Most scorpions that live in alabama are poor and rely on the government to feed and house them
Yes. Poring beer down all drains in a house greatly reduces the number of scorpions. I have absolutely no idea why this is so but it does work. Also human urine repels scorpians
Yes there absolutely are scorpions in Arkansas. The only species found in AR is the striped bark scorpion, and they tend to come out in April, May, and June. My wife and I counted 19 in our house last summer :O.
panic room
The House we are renting has scorpions all over it. what to do about breaking the lease
Most scorpions that live in alabama are poor and rely on the government to feed and house them
Yes, I have found and kept Pseudoscorpions which live in the woods behind my house.
Hit them with a can or something like that
I have had four males cats over the period of 24 years and not one has messed in the house in cold snowy weather. Even in pouring rain they will go outside, hope that helps.
They eat the crickets which are the primary source of the scorpions diet. If you have geckos around your house, you are less likely to have a scorpion problem.
Scorpions are an arachnid species commonly found in dry climates. Size and color vary from one species of scorpion to another, but all possess a similar body structure. A typical scorpion has eight legs, a pair of pinchers and a segmented body punctuated by a tail that curves up and over the body. On the end of the curved tail is a stinger used to kill or paralyze prey.Most species of scorpions are not poisonous. Some species do release a venom that can be harmful or fatal to their victims. Eliminating scorpions will help protect your family or pets from falling victim to their stings.Finding ScorpionsScorpions are nocturnal creatures. They hide during daylight hours and search for resting places that offer protection from the heat. In their natural environment, scorpions will burrow in the sand, hide under a rock or find a shady place near a tree or bush.Inside your house, scorpions can turn up in closets, attics, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, laundry baskets or crawlspaces. Scorpions do serve a useful purpose in getting rid of various bugs and spiders, but such a purpose can be better served outside your home.Use a sealant or caulk to fill in cracks and crevices inside and outside your home. Scorpions can enter your house through routes ranging from foundation cracks to holes for cables and wires. Controlling ScorpionsThe first step to eliminating scorpions is to thoroughly clean your house. Clean out cabinets and closets. Pick up laundry, magazines, newspapers and any other items cluttering the floor. It will quickly take away some useful scorpion hiding spaces.Driving scorpions from your house also requires driving them from your yard. Remove anything that can double as a scorpion hiding place. This includes brush piles, wood chips, bark pieces, loose rocks or sandboxes. Mow your grass and prune your shrubbery regularly. If a scorpion has no place to build a nest, they find another place to call home.Depriving scorpions of food and water will reduce their numbers. Set out glue traps to catch bugs and fix any leaky faucets inside or outside your house.