Move Like Michael Jackson was created on 2009-12-14.
It is doubtful that Kat Williams didn't like Michael Jackson. Jokes about Michael were a part of his act.
Yes,Michael Jackson loved that name.
No one can sing exactly like Michael Jackson. He was, in my opinion, the best singer there will ever be! Some Michael Jackson impersonators can sing close to his voice but none can sing the same as he did! Rest In Peace Michael Jackson we love you!
yes john cena does like batista
does john Felix Anthony cena like wrestling
John Cena is the best wrestler ever!
mickey james might like john cena but john cena thinks mickey james is a bitch
yes john cena loves maryse and maryse loves john cena
John Cena is single now
i like John Cena better but Kane is kul xxxx
of course john cena, he is awesome .he is the best. hbk sucks.John Cena is stronger and better, but I like hbk too.
John Cena and Maria DO NOT have a child.
Justin bieber likes John cena
Layla may or may not like John Cena. The only way to find out is to ask her.
no you sick sick person nobody would ever like john cena