Whitney definitely did not have the same gorgeous set of teeth she use too. It is evident that she either had false teeth, veneers or implants. It changed her whole smile, the way her teeth sat in her mouth was not the same. I do not believe she went for teeth whitening before her death. You can't bleach any of the three potential possibility I mentioned above. Look at her Oprah interview from 2009. She even struggles to talk with these new set of teeth.
The Cosmetic Dentist who did this work should be FIRED! They could have done a much much better job. If I had to guess, they are implants or Veneers.
Shame, she had a wonderful smile. I still loved her personality, her beauty inside and out and of course that voice that once was, will always be the BEST!
God Bless you Whitney. I always was rooting for you sweet angel.
No but Miley did go out with nick
miley where do you live
No she still has it! Her Name is The-Real-Miley Miley Is Back~!
Hey its me Miley! MY Favorite name is Miley-Smiley
No Miley Cyrus Does Not Smoke.
Yes! She has veneers.
Actually, porcelain veneers are a great way to fix a number of problems with your teeth! Porcelain veneers can protect damaged teeth, fix chipped teeth, and even "close" gaps and "straighten" your teeth. Of course, it would be optimal to not need veneers at all - but if you have a situation that calls for veneers, they are an excellent option (especially porcelain veneers, as they do a much better job emulating the look of natural teeth than resin veneers).
If you want to get dental veneers in Abu Dhabi, then this is for you. But before that, read if porcelain veneers can really prevent cavities.
slicing veneers are veneers created by slicing wood at diffrent angles to capture textures of grain. this means that a block of wood may be cut lenghtwise, so that the grain shows as paralell lines or horizontaly so that the grain appears on the veneer as circular rings. veneers can be cut in many more difftent ways and these specificaly cun veneers are called slicing veneers
Most likely no. Veneers are consider more of a cosmetic dentistry procedure.
An electric toothbrush should have no adverse effect on your veneers. If your veneers come off, there is something wrong with either the veneer, the adhesive used to attach the veneer to the tooth, or the tooth itself.
You can get veneers at any age as long as you have teeth full grown.http://veneerscost.org/dental-veneers/what-are-veneers/
Candidates for porcelain veneers must have strong, healthy teeth. If the teeth are yellowed or stained, have small chips and are slightly crooked or misaligned, then you may be a candidate for veneers.
To find the cheapest price for veneers in the Cleveland, Ohio area, visit the Clevelandsmiles.com website. Here you can find the cheapest veneers in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
Porcelain Veneers are slightly less expensive than crowns because generally there is less tooth work to do with veneers but they also break more easily than crowns.