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From what I've heard, no.

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Q: Does Justin Bieber know how to read music?
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What is the class in Justin bieber read?

i dont know tihis one

What is Justin Bieber's wholelife?

I cant answer that but what I can say is he is supposedly writing a biography, if you read that then you will know.

Why is Justin Bieber now?

Justin Bieber's talent was discovered on YouTube, so he became the best watched kid, and instantly became popular. You should read the book Justin Bieber's First Step to Forever.

How do you win Justin Bieber passes to Justin Bieber?

I would read magazines such as top of the pops and look for the 2 tokens you can get to meet The wanted maybe they might do a Justin bieber one or listen to the radio hope this helps

Why aren't Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus dating?

They are. People say Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber are just good friends but Miley put picture's up on Facebook of her and Justin Bieber kissing. So add Miley on Facebook and look at her picture's and you will see her and Justin Bieber kissing and read the comments 'cause she even says it's her and Justin Bieber kissing.

Related questions

How old was Justin Bieber when he could read music?

4 years old

Does Justin Bieber read his comments?

does Justin bieber read his comment

What is the class in Justin bieber read?

i dont know tihis one

What is Justin Bieber's wholelife?

I cant answer that but what I can say is he is supposedly writing a biography, if you read that then you will know.

Does Justin Bieber read these questions?


How can Justin Bieber read your answer?

He can only read it if he comes across it.

Are there 2 Justin Bieber?

No but i read in a magazine that some people thought that Cody Simpson was the next Justin Bieber

Does Justin bieber like to filp his hair and why?

Your question should read "Does Justin Bieber like to flip her hair and why?"

What does Justin Bieber read now a days?


How did Justin Bieber meet Taylor Royster?

no seriously they did meet and they are dating!!!! read ANY magazine that has Justin nieber in it and it will show you!!! they arent dating, i would know because i know Taylor.

Is Justin Bieber dating Savanna Converse?

no he is not read it in a magazine

How many books does Justin bieber have?

None, he can't read.