This question cannot be answered because you did not tell us who you are referring to. We are not mind readers.
T.I.'s sister is in her late 40s or early 50s.
The TI-84 is a graphing calculater. It is mostly just an update to the TI-83 calculater.
Verse - Mi Re Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do Ti La So La Ti Do Ti La So La Ti Do So Fa Mi (x2) Chorus - Mi Re Do Re Mi Fa So Do Ti La La So Do Ti La So La Ti Do So Fa Mi.
sol mi mi mi sol fa mi fa la ti do re la sol sol sol mi mi mi sol re sol ti la do ti la la sol sol sol do sol ti do ti la la la ti fa mi fa la sol sol sol mi re do ti ti la la do la sol la mi re do
TI Taxi was created in 2009.
TI really has a sister named LaTeisha Clarck Harris.
Yes ti has a little sister named Lateshia Clark Harris.
Sure, Ti's number is (414) 555- you wish
T.I.'s sister is in her late 40s or early 50s.
lo mismo a ti, hermana
The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah
Oes gen ti frawd neu chwaer?
maybe but i heard ciara is his sister oh come on dont tell fake tell the truth
No Ciara and T.I are not brother and sisters nor are they related.