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Those that are Christians - yes.

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Q: Do the Cherokees believe in the Virgin Mary?
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Do Greek Catholics believe in the Virgin Mary?

Greeks that are Catholic, do believe in the Virgin Mary.

Do Anabaptist believe that Mary was a virgin?

Baptist insist that Mary was a virgin and that Jesus was immaculate.

Do Catholics believe that the Virgin Mary's mother was a virgin as well?

No, Catholics do no believe that St. Anne was a virgin.

Do the pentecostals believe in virgin Marie?

Pentecostals do believe in the virgin Mary as she was the mother of Jesus.

Do orthodoxes believe in the virgin Mary?

Yes they do.

Do all Salvadorians believe in the Virgin Mary?

the country is 90% Catholic, so those people would very much believe in the Virgin Mary

Is it true that the Catholic Church in Peru does not believe in the Virgin Mary?

No, as all catholic churches they believe in her

Do Presbyterians believe in the Virgin Mary?

All Christians believe in the Virgin Mary. Believe means to think she existed. Now if you mean venerate (honor and pray to), then no, they do not.

Does the Greek orthodox church believe in the virgin birth?

The Eastern Orthodox Church believes in the Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ's birth by the Blessed Virgin Mary, but it does not accept the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary's birth.

What Christian religion does not believe in the Virgin Mary?

The question is an oxymoron. To be considered a true Christian one must subscribe to a belief in the Nicene Creed which states ".........for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man." So, if a cult or an individual does not believe in the Virgin Mary, one can not be considered to be a Christian.

Do Anglican believe Mary was a virgin?

Almost all Anglicans believe she was a virgin when she conceived and bore Jesus. SOURCE -- Book of Common Prayer states that Nicene Creed is a statement of the faith. Nicene creed says Mary was a virgin and she conceived Jesus by the Holy Ghost. Anglo catholic anglicans believe she remained a virgin her whole life (as do Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians).

Does the United Church of Christ believe in the Virgin Mary?

No, Mary is only in the Catholic Church. They do acknowledge she was the mother of Jesus, but do not worship her.