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Some yes, others no. It depends on where they are on the socio scale or what triggers them in certain ways. Some cry when they don't' get what they want, it's an angry type of selfish crying rather than the emotionally charged crying.

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Q: Do sociopaths cry
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Can sociopaths cry?

Yes. Sociopaths lack empathy, not the ability to feel sorrow.

Our neighbors are typical sociopaths they are successfully ruining our lives is there anything we can do?

Genocide. That's really the only way to deal with Sociopaths, especially those who cry crocodile tears and pretend to want to change.

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No, in fact, it's the opposite. There are many more straight sociopaths than gay ones.

How Sociopaths use religion?

In my experience, sociopaths use religion to manipulate others.

Are sociopaths posessed?

No. However, sociopaths have a mental disorder called ASPD, or anti-social personality disorder.

Are there cures for sociopaths?

No. They're hosed.

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Why are sociopaths really tough?

No anxiety

Are there any famous serial killers who aren't psychopaths or sociopaths?

no most were all psychopaths or sociopaths but all of those who weren't were not famous. also the serial killers killed for a specific reason mostly related to a psychopathic or sociopaths disease.

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Sociopaths exist in all segments of society but being a shrewd business person does not make one a sociopath.

Do sociopaths live in a constant party mood?

No, infact most sociopaths dislike beign around other people. They find them annoying and stupid.

Are some sociopaths sadomacochists?

Many sociopaths are plain sadistic.The broader notion that most sadists and masochists 'switch' betweem the one and the other is problematical.Added (DF-04/09) - (speculative)From a physical perspective (as against emotional sadism and masochism) Many sociopaths are sadistic. Many sociopaths are also masochistic. This is not necessarily a case of switching between the two, but just another aspect and stems from a different perspective. Whereas sadism may stem from amusement at hurting others and a sense of power and control, many sociopaths describe a feeling of emptiness or even something described as "sociopathic pain". Sociopaths may then enage in masochism as "pain to kill pain." Of course, not all sadomasochists are sociopaths!