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classical music is classic... do we need a better answer???

Yes we do need a better one...

"Pythagoras was the first who suggested the notion so beautifully expressed by Shakespeare-" "There's not the smallest orb which thou behold st

But in his motion like an angel sings,

Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubim s." Merchant of Venice. v. l. Plato says that "a siren sits on each planet, who carols a most sweet song, agreeing to the motion of her own particular planet, but harmonizing with all the others. Hence Milton speaks of the "celestial syrens' harmony, that sit upon the nine enfolded spheres." (Arcades. (See Nine Spheres.) Maximus Tyrius says that the mere proper motion of the planets must create sounds, and as the planets move at regular intervals the sounds must harmonize." That link will show one how sound waves from a violin can form some spectacular patters on sheets of metal covered with sand.

A long enough note will form circle after circle. Almost, like a drop into a pond.

All plants resemble spirals and circles, nature is the most efficient product of this planet. Our Earth's shape has set for itself a number that all life upon it must follow. That number is also a frequency of sound, that can be manipulated and formed into the breath of life.

start researching PHI and the Golden ratio.

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Q: Why classical music help plants grow faster than with rock if rock does not have more dissonances in intervals?
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How do plants react to pop music?

Is this a serious question!?

Do plants grow better with classical music or death metal?

it has been proven that plants grow better in a room with classical music playing than heavy music like death metal. for this reason i have no idea, but i listen to metal and im not dead. so who cares :D

Does country music make plants grow bigger or faster?

plants like country music better so YES.

Will the sun make a lemon tree grow faster or rock music?

rock music has been found (depending on the style) to hurt plants a bit more than classical music would. reason being is that there are natural chords, minors and majors are the main distinct ones. majors, they are typically found a lot more in classical. in rock, you will find a few minor. major sound happy, minor sound sad. metal was found to hurt them most, lots of crazy stuff, its a bit aggrevating to sum peopleclassical, doesnt matter who, always calms you down and helps ur brain relax.plants have shown similar effects.

Does playing an instrument to your plants help them grow?

Actually Myth Busters conducted an experiment on this kind of question. They set up some green houses with these types of recordings: -nothing -positive talk -negative talk -classical music -death metal music It turns out that plants grow better when listening to music, specifically metal music. Classical came in second. And positive and negative talk came in third. Not having any recordings came in last. So it's better to play music for them.

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Is this a serious question!?

Why do plants grow faster in blue light?

it grows faster

How do different kinds of music affect plant growth?

IF YOU HAVE A CLASSICAL TYPE OF MUSIC THE PLANTS GROW FASTER. THAT IS BECAUSE IT IS CALM! answer the above answer is a common misbelieve. there is no scientific evidence of music having any effect on plant growth, it does however have an effect of the mood of who ever is taking care of the plants.

Does manure or soil grow plants faster?

I think manure helps plants grow faster due to nutrients and nitrates.

Why do plants grow faster in June?

Plants have the April-May rains and the May-June sunshine, so they grow faster.

Does juice make plants grow faster?

the juice will make the plants grow faster because the juice has more products

Why does plants that have water grow faster?

Plants having water have turgid cells. Turgidity helps in cell division as well as cell elongation. Hence these plants grow faster than water scare plants.

Music effect in health of plants?

Music can have a positive effect on the health of plants by promoting growth and improving overall plant vitality. Studies have shown that certain types of music, such as classical or ambient instrumental music, can help plants grow faster and healthier due to the vibrations and frequencies they emit. Music can also reduce stress in plants, leading to better growth and resistance to pests and diseases.

Does soda make plants grow faster?

No :)

Do plants go faster when you sing to them?


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How do I make my Chronic grow faster?!..