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For the most part if they have keys like the piano or bells then yes. Timpani are also tuned to certain notes before they are played. Drums though, like snare and bass, do not play different pitches.

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13y ago

There are non-pitched percussion instruments, such as the snare drum or cymbals, and there are pitched percussion instruments, like the marimba and timpani.

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Q: Do percussion instruments have notes
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What is the difference between a pitched and an unpitched percussion instrument?

Pitched percussion instruments produce definite pitches or specific musical notes when struck, such as xylophones or marimbas. Unpitched percussion instruments, on the other hand, produce indefinite pitches or non-specific musical notes, like cymbals or snare drums. The key distinction lies in the ability of pitched percussion instruments to play melodies and harmonies, while unpitched percussion instruments are primarily used for rhythm and texture.

What is the main feature of tuned percussion instruments?

They have to be hit to make sound.

What instruments can play chords over 3 notes?

Guitars, harps, all keyboard instruments and chromatic percussion instruments like xylophones, marimbas and vibraphones.

What is the difference between the two groups of percussion pitched and unpitched?

Pitched percussion instruments produce specific musical notes, like xylophones and marimbas. Unpitched percussion instruments, such as cymbals and tambourines, do not produce specific pitches and are used for rhythm and texture in music.

What percussion can be tuned to a pitch?

Instruments like timpani, marimba, vibraphone, and steel drums are examples of percussion instruments that can be tuned to specific pitches. These instruments can produce musical notes with varying frequencies by adjusting the tension or size of the material being struck.

Is melodies always played with percussion instruments?

Percussion instruments are instruments such as the drums. The guitar can be used for percussion although it is a string instrument. No, percussion instruments are not used for playing the melody.

What is the difference between percussion instruments and tuned instruments?

Percussion instruments are instruments that can be tuned or not but tuned instruments are tuned.

The xylophone and the tympani are what kind of instrument?

They are classed as percussion instruments.

What percussion instruments make noises not notes?

none of them, believe it or not every sound you hear is a note, notes are based off the dynamics (how loud or long) of a sound.

What category of instruments drums fall under?

A Drum or Drums, are part of the Percussion family :)

Which instruments belong in the percussion family?

Many instruments belong to the percussion family. For example, drums of all sorts are members of the percussion family. Also, rattles are considered percussion instruments.

What is the history of percussion instruments?

The history of percussion instruments is what ever you can hit with an other object.