

Best Answer

The culture does. Singular people, it depends on the person you are talking to.

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Q: Do Chinese people believe in ghosts?
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How many people believe in ghosts?

Their are a lot of people that believe in ghosts, and their are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts. No one really knows how many people believe in ghosts, but mostly thousands believe in ghosts. Some people can sense their presence, and the negative energy they bring.

If someone took a pole how many people believe in ghosts what would it say?

29% would believe in ghosts. 71% wouldn't believe in ghosts.

Why do people beleave in ghosts?

Some people believe in ghosts because they think it is the only possible explanation for certain situations that seem otherworldly. Others believe in ghosts because they believe people go on living after the body dies, and that those people have the ability to manifest themselves as ghosts.

What type of people believe in ghosts?

People of all types believe in ghosts. There really isn't a big determining factor. Even when it comes to religion, some non-religious people believe in ghosts and some religious people don't.

Why do ghosts appear before death?

because people who believe in ghosts die

Do Chinese people believe in immortality?

Do the Chinese people believe in immortality?

Do they have ghosts in France?

Most people don't believe that you can get ghosts anywhere, because they don't believe that ghosts exist. If you do believe in ghost then I can see no reason, if you believe that can get them in some places, why you shouldn't also get them in France, can you?

What is the percentage of americans who believe in the existance of ghosts?

The answer is actually 37%. Since 2007, more people have started to believe in ghosts.

Do some countries believe in ghosts?

There are people all over the world who believe in ghosts; this belief is not limited to a specific country.

Is it true people to believe in hounted house?

I depends if you believe in ghosts

Do ghost exsits and why do people believe in them if they dont?

There are many different beliefs on if ghosts are real or not real. People do believe in ghosts, whether or not they are real. There has never been any scientific study that has verified the existence of ghosts.

How many people think ghost are real?

There are a lot of people that believe that ghosts are real. There also maybe people that believe in ghosts, but won't admit it.