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the camera's make you look lighter then you are that's why in some episode's she is darker or somtimes lighter but in person she is a caramel color. Like Rihanna.

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Q: Did zendaya got a tan
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Is zendaya colman black?

yes but she's tan

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She auditioned for it, got a call-back and got the part! :D

Is Zendaya Coleman mixed?

yes she is 50% black and 50% white thats why she's a tan color.

What race is Zendaya Coleman mom?

Tan, or as most ppl like to say, white. Her dad is African Anerican, black.

Will you get a sun tan in Tunisia in November?

Yes i went around that time and got a huge tan

Is Zendaya Coleman an Asian?

Zendaya Coleman is African American (Dad's Side) and Dutch (Mom's Side), so she is likely to be either of both. She looks like she got a mix of both ethnicitys, considering her tan-to-white skin tone. She has a light skin tone, but it is a bit of tan :)

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No he dated me ask him he got me preganet

What company made Zendaya Coleman famous?

zendaya only became really famous when she got a role in SIU but before that she used to model for Macy's, Mervyns and Old Navy.

What is zendaya Colemans favortie song?

In TigerBeat Zendaya said one of her favorite songs was "DJ got us fallin' in love" by Usher. She is also a huge Michel Jackson fan.