John Lennons favrourite food was Frosted Flakes, but other than that... fish and chips.
I'm not a kid. I'm not gay. Chuck Norris is gonna eat ya hah hah hah Over and Out
Because that's what they eat. Like we eat Pizza
How To Eat Sauerkraut?
the lyrics are: Bats eat bugs they don't eat people Bats eat bugs they don't fly in your hair Bats eat bugs they eat eat insects for dinner And that's why there flying up there Wiki-Wiki that's why there flying up there
No, you should not eat ashes.
John Lennons favrourite food was Frosted Flakes, but other than that... fish and chips.
You'd have to eat quite a few ashes to come up positive; the question, of course, is why you're eating weed ashes.
Depends on what was burnt to create the ashes. On thing for sure is it can do you no good. Only an idiot would snort ashes.
Yes they had to eat alot of things that would gross you out ash was there dessert after they ate barly pudding
Eat it.
Yes it considered cannibalism because it is the consumption of human remains. There are tribes in the Amazon that mix the ashes of deceased tribal members in soups and this is labelled endocannibalism.
They turn to ashes
John eat local with honey
it usually means a vitamine deficency call you dr. don't be ashamed alot of people eat ciggarette ashes...