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No they attended to a wedding in Mexico

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Q: Did Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber get married in Mexico?
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Did Justin Bieber get married to Selena gomez and move to Mexico?

no Justin Bieber and selena gomez did not get married

Is selena gomez geting married to justin bieber?

No, Justin Bieber and Selena are not married they are simply dating.

When Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez going to married?

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no I think that Justin bieber and Selena Gomez are getting married

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Was Selena Gomez married to Justin bieber?


Did Selena Gomez and Justin bieber really get married?

No because Justin Bieber is 17, he's too young to get married. So as Selena Gomez!

Is Justin Bieber and Selena G getting married?

No because I hate Justin Bieber and I love u Selena Gomez

Why is Selena Gomez Not going to get married to Justin Bieber?

Why will Selena NOT get married to Justin Bieber? Because Selena Gomez is totally in Love with Michael Jo & her career(: Go Milena Forever!

Did Justin Bieber get married to Selena?

no at least not in 2011

Is Justin Bieber going toget married with Selena?


Did Justin Bieber get married with Selena?

No, they broke up.