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Yes. He hated Bashir because he wrote horrible things about him in the tabloids.

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Q: Did Michael Jackson hate Martin Bashir?
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Why do people hate martin bashir so much?

People HATE Reporter Martin Bashir SO much because of the torture he put Artist, Singer, and Song Writer Michael Jackson through. Michael never disrepected Martin in any way that i (Calliah Shade-Pounds) know of and trust me i almost know every thing about Michael Jackson... Any way Michael never said any thing bad about him, Michael simply gave Martin a nice comment about his accent, until Martin wanted to run his worthless mouth by saying EXTREMLY UNTRUE AND AWFUL things about Michael. Michael was nothing but a GOOD man/kid who loved children, life, music, singing, dancing , families ,and ect. All I ever wanted to do was meet Michael Jackson but now I and others can't possibly because Martin Bashir and others pushed Michael to his breaking point by making him overdose on pain killers with his dumb, rude, and (as i said before) worthless mouth.

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its kind of hard to believe,but Michael Jackson hated going on tour

Did Michael Jackson hate life?

No, he had some bad times but he did not hate his life.

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no one

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He didn't have a stepdad.

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I don't think Michael Jackson hates anyone now that he is dead.

Did Michael Jackson hate anyone?

No I wouldn't think so

Does Shane dawson hate Michael Jackson?

No, I don't think so. :)

Why do Americans hate Michael Jackson?

Uh, they don't. Don't be buggin.

Why does Michael Jackson hate to tour?

Michael himself will answer that question in this video:

Did Michael Jackson hate any of his sisters?

No. He had never hate any of his sister's. They had sit uation in their life and they had got though that.