Michael Jackson lip synced in many of his concerts especially the Dangerous and HIStory tour. His first every Lip Sync he did was the famous Billie Jean performance at Motown 25 in 1983. His next Lip Sync was in his famous Bad tour (Which was amazing and his best tour) only the first half of Man in the Mirror was lip synced, and all of Smooth Criminal apart from the last line. Unfortunately, his lip syncing got more and more common with the start of his Dangerous tour, this time 70% of the songs were live, still a solid tour with some great performances.
Dangerous Tour
The intro; Jam - Lip Synced
Wanna Be Startin Something is live (and always has been),
Human Nature - Live
I just cant stop loving You - Live
Smooth Criminal - Lip synced (Minus the last name)
She's Out Of My Life - Live
Jackson Five Melody - Live
Thriller - Lip Synced
Billie Jean - Live
Black Or White - Lip Synced
Workin' Day and Night - Live
Beat It - Live
Will You Be There - Lip Synced
The Way You Make Me Feel - Lip Synced
Bad - Live
Heal The World - (First half is Lip Synced but crosses over into Live)
Man In The Mirror - (Same as Heal The World)
Now His final tour was his worst and most lip syncing he did. The HIStory tour was a lazy one indeed, but here it how it was.
All songs were lip synced except;
The First Line in "Scream"
The middle line of "In the closet" (Singing the girls part)
Jackson Five Melody
Second Half of "Heal The World"
The Military Part
Elvis Presley.
Presley, Elvis was born as: Elvis Aaron Presley.
Elvis Aaron Presley is Elvis Presley s full name.
Elvis Aaron Presley
Elvis Presley
No, she doesn't lip synch
Elvis Presley.
Presley, Elvis was born as: Elvis Aaron Presley.
No, Brian and the Band have and will never lip synch.
no he does not lip sing.
Elvis Presley. :)
Elvis Presley
Elvis Aaron Presley is Elvis Presley s full name.
Vernon Presley was Elvis Presley's father.
The actors in "I'm in the Band" may lip synch. But you cannot be sure because you are not them.
Elvis Aaron Presley. He changed Aaron to Aron.
Elvis Aaron Presley