you may be able to with glue or something the results wont be great though but you wouldn't believe how cheap the stuff is to replace on ebay. I'd have fun and customize the guitar.
I'd take it off if you can and replace it , a beginner tremolo system is like 6$ on ebay just make sure it looks like yours.
if you do get the tremolos arm off of the guitar they are like 2$
I'm on ebay a lot :)
Yes, but a new vibrato bridge ("tremolo" is a misnomer) would require re-routing the guitar's body and drilling new holes for the screws. It would be a permanent modification.
Some Guitars can be fitted with a vibrato assembly without permanent modification. For example, Stetsbar makes vibratos that can be fitted onto Stratocasters, Telecasters, and Gibson-style guitars which have a stop tailpiece and a tune-o-matic bridge.
go to a store and ask them
as in neck dive? light weight guitar tuners is one common idea , kind of a nuisance to get though the other idea is placing the strap holders in different places , only guitars that are never played hold value so go nuts and drill away
no wood rots pretty quick in say a dump which is about 90% of the instrument. After say termites or natural decomposition happens you're down to a handful of metal parts and two or three magnets. If you want to have a green thumb you could always recycle all the metal and plastic guitar parts that aren't pressed on like the frets. never throw , always sell or give away. Base price is at least 50$ where I live. The only way I'd ever throw a guitar is if its neck was snapped in half or something unrepairable. if you're ready to sell try ebay for the right price anyone will buy it regardless of brand. I know guys who buy guitars just to fix up or modify
Depends were you go.
It doesn't have static "in" it, its just sounds that way when you try to plug it in. If you are getting allot of "noise" then your guitar isn't shielded properly or it isn't grounded properly. The amp may not be earthed or grounded properly. You may need to get the guitar and amp checked at a Guitar store. The lead may be damaged, for example if you can unscrew the end of the lead, the plug, you can see if the solder has broken , then you can get someone to solder, fix it, or if it is a sealed lead, buy a new one.
To fix a snapped guitar string, you will need to remove the broken string, replace it with a new one of the same gauge, and tune it to the correct pitch. Be careful when removing the broken string to avoid damaging the guitar.
It depends whats wrong with it.
To fix a broken electric guitar string, you need to remove the broken string, replace it with a new one of the same gauge, and tune it to the correct pitch using the tuning pegs.
Well that is a VERY veg question. I would take it in to a guitar specialest so that they can see what is wrong and fix it. Ifyou do not know what is wrong then you can't very well fix it.
Fret buzz on an electric guitar can be fixed by adjusting the truss rod, raising the action, or leveling the frets. It's best to consult a professional guitar technician for proper adjustments.
Your electric guitar may not be working due to issues with the cables, pickups, or electronics. To fix it, check the cables for any damage, ensure the pickups are properly connected, and inspect the electronics for any loose connections or faulty components. If you are unsure, it is best to take your guitar to a professional for repair.
cheapest I've ever paid was 50$ , depends on the condition , brand and series. 50$ was used and far from say a professional guitar. I fix them up or upgrade them as a hobby
To fix an electric guitar string, first loosen the tuning peg corresponding to the broken string. Remove the broken string from the bridge and the tuning peg. Replace it with a new string of the same gauge. Thread the new string through the bridge and the tuning peg, then tighten the tuning peg to tune the string to the desired pitch. Cut off any excess string.
There's no way to fix the receiver for your guitar but you can try to connect your guitar to the console by plugging the receiver into the port and then turning on the console. The guitar and receiver should connect on their own.
i replaced the panel above rearview that has the roof switches and inside lights. it snapped out n snapped in! got the panel from a u pull it junkyard 12.00$
Your frets might be crooked, try bringing it to an instrument repair man, he'll know how to fix it.