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yes you can they have deformed kids and you don't want to because they are mean when they hav kids

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Q: Can spiders and scorpions breed with each other?
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Are scorpion related to spiders?

Yes. Both spiders and scorpions are arachnids. Even though thay look different they are related to each other.

Animals with more than four legs?

Spiders, scorpions, crabs, and lobsters each have eight legs.

What do scorpions hunt?

Mostly scorpions hunt insects, small rodents, reptiles, and sometimes each other.

Do tarantulas eat scorpions?

Yes, tarantulas are known to eat scorpions. Tarantulas have a varied diet that includes insects, other spiders, and sometimes even small vertebrates like lizards. They are equipped with fangs that can immobilize and consume scorpions.

Can wild and domestic rabbits breed with each other?

Yes, wild and domestic rabbits can breed with each other.

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No, they are not able to breed with each other.

Do spiders make a noise right before they die to call other spiders?

Spiders typically do not make noise to communicate with other spiders before they die. They may release pheromones or chemicals that other spiders can pick up on, but there is no specific sound associated with this behavior.

How do penguins breed with each other?

Penguins breed by mating and copulating, like other birds.

What do tiny spiders eat?

Tiny spiders eat tiny critters (like pseudoscorpions and springtails) and each other.

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Can domestic and wild rabbits breed with each other?

No, domestic and wild rabbits cannot breed with each other because they are different species.

What kind of spiders eat crab spiders?

Spiders are intraguild predators, meaning that they eat each other. If hungry and presented with a crab spider, most spiders would feed off of it.