Yes. They are called coated doberman. This happens when both the parents have the recessive gene for long hair. Many people will swear this cannot happen, and the dog is a mixed breed, but these people have not done the research they should have, to make such an inaccurate statement. Give these beautiful dogs the doberman recognition they deserve.
The Doberman is a better sprinter and long distance runner compared to German Shepherd. And the Doberman is stronger as doberman 5th strongest dog in the world and German shpherd 6th! gsd top speed is 40 mph but a doberman is 45mph and the doberman is stronger than the German shepherd meaning that the doberman is faster German shepherd because legs are stronger Dobermann has stronger legs
Good afternoon my minuture doberman had a male on the 24th November 10, I just want to know how long are they pregnant for? and how will I know that she has taken? thanks Lindie
Anyone can have long hair bit it is not ethical or becoming for professional to have long hair,leave that for WOMEN!!!! Call me old fashioned.
No way! Miley's hair is totally natural long. Besides she had long hair as a child.
They mean that there is a female with hair that is long
9-13 years if healthy 15
those insects are called earwigs,and they do not crawl into ears and nest.
Lynxes and servals have tufted ears.
as long as you get no die in your ears you will be fine(:
you probably let your ear sit to long
If a dobermans ears are pointy it means the dog has has surgery (cropping) done for their ears to stand and be pointy. A doberman is born with floppy ears and a long tail, but often get surgery to stand the ears and make the tail short.
it can be as short or as long as you want but with shorter hair you have to be careful not to hit your ears If your younger have your mom do it
The doberman the German shepherd and the boxer are long coated.
The doberman the German shepherd and boxer are long coated.
You can tell if a kitten will have long hair by looking at its parents. If one or both parents have long hair, there is a higher chance the kitten will also have long hair. Additionally, kittens with longer fur around their ears and paws may indicate they will have long hair as they grow.