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The belt is burning up and wind is pushing the smell through the air conditioning.

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Q: Burning rubber smell in cab
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Why does my Jeep Grand Cherokee smell like burning rubber?

Often the smell of burning rubber is an electrical wire that is overheating and causing the plastic sheathing to melt and burn. Sometimes there can be enough resistance to heat a wire but not cause the metal to melt, just the plastic. Trace out with eyesight and your nose, to find the area and possibly the faulty wire. If not findable, pass what you could discover onto someone that is able to look further into this matter.

Why would a car smell like burning rubber?

Probaably whatever is burning is not being blown away because your going slower. That is when your moving more air is pushing the odor away. Are you hearing any new noises? In a manual car it will probably be the clutch if you are riding it alot automatics don't make the smell unless ya are doing burnouts. Burning clutch smells a bit more metallic than rubber. I had the same occurence for a few months when getting out of my truck, was told it might be a plastic bag stuck on underside, but it was the tires being slightly underinflated, bad alignment plus my aggressive driving back then. I had this problem and it was a leaky valve cover gasket. oil was leaking on to the rest of the engine and the burning rubber smell was the smell the synthetic oil gave off. I had this problem too, but with me it turned out to be my surpentine belt burning as a result of my A/C Clutch was starting to lock up. Check your belt / belts for any discoloration. This would be a sign of it / them burning. And if it does end up being a belt, it could be anything with a pully being used by that belt that could be causing the problem. Incorrectly routed, adjusted(tensioned), missing or worn drive belt(s); Incorrect belt tension will allow belts to slip; Loose or damaged belt tensioner will allow belts to slip; Worn or damaged idler/tensioner pulley; Spark plug or coil wire(s) making contact with hot engine; Corroded, broken or poorly connected battery cable. bad fan belt or in correct tension on fan belt especially noticable if you are using a/c in stop and go traffic

If you smell rubber burning and then shut the engine off and it wont start again what could the problem be on a 1995 V6 Ford contour?

Without seeing your car... possibly burnt off the serpentine fan belt due to a seized alternator that was not charging. See if the alternator spins over by hand; that could be the problem. I you. Mark

What is the difference between a quad cab and extended cab?

A quad cab has four doors where an extended cab may have just two doors or two full doors and two smaller, reverse doors. A quad cab is basically a crew cab, though Dodge has a quad cab and a crew cab. The Dodge crew cab is a bit more spacious on the inside. If you have people in the back seat of a Dodge, the extended cab will have the least space for them, then the quad cab and the crew cab the most.

What is the difference between a guitar speaker cab and half cab?

Are you confusing cab with stack, because a half stack is one 4x12 cab where a stack is two 4x12 cabs. A half cab could be a 2x12 though. Just in case you didn't know a 4x12 is a cab with four 12 inch speaker whereas the 2x12 is a cab with two 12 inch speakers

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What is making a burning rubber smell in the cab of your Chevy s10 pickup?

Could be your belts? Or your pulleys.. Hopefully its one of your belts cuz pulleys are quite pricey

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because it's a strong smell

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Why does manual car smell like burning rubber?

Because your burning your clutch.

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Stanleys apartment smell of burning rubber and foot odor becausehis dad is trying to envent something

What causes the smell of burning rubber when you're in the wrong gear going up hill?

That smell is probably your clutch burning out.

Burning smell after sex?

Rubber, you are moving too fast

Why does your car smell like burning rubber?

Your car smells like burning rubber because a tube or a wire has gotten loose and has come against a hot part. Rubber is burning. Something is wrong. The smell is the symptom. The fire that will happen when the rubber has completely burned away and the fire breaks out is the disease.

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combination of burning rubber and manure

Have recently changed brake discs and pads but there is a rubber burning smell and smoke near the 2 front tires on 206?

A rubber burning smell and smoke near your two front tires could be the result of sticking calipers. The brake line could also be the cause of the burning smell.