Midget is a term used to describe an exceptionally short person. The terms "midget" and "dwarf" are often used synonymously, as both terms mean someone who has been short in stature since birth, but those terms were not originally synonyms. Midget is a term that was originally coined in 1865, referring to an extremely short but normally proportioned person. P.T Barnum indirectly helped popularize "midget" when he began featuring General Tom Thumb in his circus. Dwarf was originally used to denote those with short limbs as compared to those who had proportioned limbs. Like many other older terms, "midget" has became part of popular language, it was often used in a pejorative sense. When applied to a person who is very short, midget is now often considered offensive.
My search showed this info:
joe c
No. She is Jewish, but her parents are not of a different race.
Her race is like any other country that has been taken over by whites lol a whitey in the another country with a different accenct, I'm just assuming shes probably European doesn't take a scientist to figure that out lmao..........
Rochelle is a mixed race.
U said ugly.....so no.
Can you be 12 to race
yes, it is believed that the first midgets have come from mars and that they have passed off as humans to blend in with the rest of us.
A group of midgets is called a "nibble" of midgets.
Yes. Dwarfism is present in 1 out of 40,000 human beings; this is independent of race, nationality or other existing conditions and diseases.
The entire human race will be enslaved by flaming midgets, forced to work in sugar cane fields
No, we are all the same species :) they just have genetics that are a little different..but there is no human subspecies
Toiling Midgets was created in 1979.
None of the planets are midgets.
midgets midgets
Yes, they are humans too and there are Chinese midgets.
Midgets vs. Mascots was created in 2009.
The duration of Midgets vs. Mascots is 1.42 hours.