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although i wont cast aspersions as to if Maroon5 are Satanists or not. Most of these celebs are puppets to the message being pushed by the ones in control. Most people dont know what to look for in these videos or are simply desensitized to the severity of intent behind it.

The Animals video is pretty obvious in its intent so thats a good example of how people are indeed desensitized to the content. This "blood ritual" type of video/photo shoot is commonly used as indoctrination into the occult practices. theres a really good breakdown of its content by Good Fight Ministries on YouTube to explain this in more detail.

now just as evil and maybe more so because of how "normal" it may seem to the casual viewer is the video for "Sunday Morning". a room full of hiflutent good looking Hollywood types at swank party enjoying a little Karaoke right? WRONG!

on the TV screen displaying from the Karaoke machine is what appears to be child with no shirt on and looking somewhat blank and unhappy. Sort of disheveled blonde hair blue eyed boy that symbolically seems to be part of the entertainment. Everyone is enjoying themselves but he is not. This to me appears to be related to the Satanic Ritual Abuse practices also associated with MKUltra mind control. The blonde hair and blue eyes striking a chord with the ideals of occultic Nazism for the superior race.

in the fairness of critical thinking I can understnd why most people wouldnt give this a second thought. So I challenge you to research this points on your own. Even from a logical standpoint, ask yourself what the concept is behind this video.

How do you associate this shirtless unhappy dazed looking disheveled boy among the adults?

Why is he on the tv screen for this song on a karaoke machine that has nothing remotely to do with the song?

its even out of place if the child were actually there at the party, but in addition , why is the boy in his current state of mind and appearance associated with the center of entertainment otherwise?

I realize a lot of this info is just my opinion but Im not expounding on the details of my point in hopes that you take it upon yourself to dig deeper and enlighten yourself to what's actually going on..... not just this lame video but in the big picture of whats really happening.

my hope is to shed some light and pray for exposure of the mere humans celebrated as amazing and influential who are really just compromised puppets of the cabal driven agenda. In turn, when we choose to support and praise this, we in turn become puppets to their evil intent.

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Trevor Never

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βˆ™ 5y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

their new song (about Mick Jagger) is about mick jagger, who is the devil's son, so yes.

they are devil worshippers

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Maroon 5 is not Satanic. I don't know why anyone would think they are. All of their songs (or most) are about love or someone leaving. I hope this helped.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Maroon 5 is a pop band, which does not worship the devil. There is nothing even remotely Satanic about their music.

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