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Smoke on Water by Deep Purple

Eye of The Tiger

Back in Black by ACDC

Livin' after Midnight by Judas Priest

holiday by Green Day

seven nation army by the white stripes

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

stairway to heaven-Led Zeppelin

don't look back-Boston

stone in love-journey YO MUMMA

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Smoke on the Water: Deep Purple Smells Like Teen Spirit: Nirvana Sweet Home Alabama: Lynyrd Skynyrd House of the Rising Sun: The Animals Ironman (minus the solo): Black Sabbath

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Q: Anyone know any good electric guitar songs for intermediate guitar players?
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Why was the electric guitar invnted?

The electric guitar was invented so the guitar could be heard in as band with horn players.

What people play an electric guitar?


Why is the guitar pick needed by the guitar player?

Cause it's hard to play the electric guitar without it, though classical guitar players use their fingers.

Is legacy a good electric guitar brand for an intermediate guitar player?

Yes, Def a good brand for a beginner to intermediate player. Brands don't really have as much to do with being for a intermediate player or not, its really about what the guitar is made of, what type of electronics it uses, high action, low action etc. Play it before you buy it, but these are nice sounding guitars all around.

Is the Squier SE Special Strat Electric Guitar for beginer players?

yes, most Squires are for beginners

Is a Dean ML or Razorback a good guitar for a beginer?

Probably not. It's a bit expensive and is supposed to lean toward intermediate/advanced metal players.

What type of instrument is an electric guitar?

An electric guitar

What is the difference between an electric guitar and a air guitar?

The difference between an electric guitar and an air guitar is a electric guitar is an actual guitar and an air guitar is imaginary. An air guitar is when people pretend to play a guitar with hand movements. An electric guitar converts vibrations of its steelcorded strings into electric current. These currents then go to a amplifier to make them louder.

What are some prices on electric Bass guitars?

There are many basses that vary in prices due to the brand, condition, and retailer. An average price for a beginning bass guitar is $150, and an average price for an intermediate bass guitar is $300.

What is one difference between an electric lead guitar and an electric bass guitar?

An electric base guitar is usually tuned an octave lower than an electric lead guitar.

Why did the person who made the electric guitar made the guitar?

so they could hear it in a band with horn players.. i don't know really... that's whta i was told but im not sure.

What should you get for Christmas a 3ds or an electric guitar?

Electric guitar!!!