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Q: A string instrument beginning with H?
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What is the name of a string instrument beginning with z?

Zither is a string musical instrument. It begins with the letter Z.

Musical instruments beginning with h?

A musical instrument beginning with H is harp (harpsichord) or harmonica.

What Musical instrument with 11 letters beginning with H?


Is a violin a string percusion or brass instrument?

It is a string instrument.

What are the string instrument?

A string instrument is a that Produces sound by plunking or strumming a string on the instrument

What is a homophone for a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument?

The homophone for a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument are "cord" and "chord" respectively.

What is homophones for a string or rope a string of a musical instrument?

The homophone for a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument are "cord" and "chord" respectively.

What is a homophone for a string or rope a string of a MuSICAL instrument?

The homophone for a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument are "cord" and "chord" respectively.

What is the homophone a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument?

The homophone for a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument are "cord" and "chord" respectively.

What is the homophone for a string of rope and a string of a musical instrument?

The homophone for a string of rope and a string of a musical instrument is "cord."

What is the homophone for a string or rope and a string of musical instrument?

The homophone for a string or rope and a string of a musical instrument are "cord" and "chord" respectively.

What string instrument is the most compact?

The viola is the most compact string instrument.