Yes, if you stopped a Pokemon from evolving, it will attempt to evolve again when it levels up.
If you don't feel like stopping it every time, you can make your Pokemon hold an everstone, which stops it from trying to evolve while it's held.
Chingling will only evolve into Chimeco if it's happiness is full at night time.
You evolve rock type Pokemon the way you evolve any other kind of Pokemon, except for ones that need to be traded or need a stone to evolve. If you want a Graveler to evolve, you need to trade it to someone else. And if you want an Onix to evolve, you need to trade it to someone while it is holding a metal coat. There are many other mysterious evolutions but I don't have time to name them all :(
No! Of course Dialga does not evolve into Arceus! If you are playing Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, weren't you paying attention in Canalave library? Professor Rowan specifically said, "LEGENDARY POKEMON DO NOT EVOLVE. SO ARE WE TO ASSUME THAT THEY ARE COMPLETE AS CREATURES?" And the last time I checked, Dialga and Arceus are both legendaries...
Shaymin is a legendary Pokemon, thus it does not evolve. To change it into it's SKY FORME you need a gradedia flower. Which you can receive only from a wifi event that is past. In Pokemon black, a lady will give you one for free in Laconsa town.
the Eevee has to be happy you can check by using the poketch app that shows the Pokemon you have with you when you touch them with your stylus the will make their cry then hearts will appear when the eevee is at full happiness then lvl up one time at day and it should evolve into espeon do the same thing at night to get umbreon
Every time it levels up it will try to evolve but if you give it an everstone then it will not try to evolve (unless you take the everstone off and level up)
i don't think your Pokemon evolve at all in Pokemon explorers of time.
You have to have defeated Palkia and the you have to defeat her again and recruit her then you can evolve starters :) - Grovylelover
If you want to evolve regular Pokemon you need to get them to a certain level first. If their you starters you need to beat darkrai then have palkia join your team
yes turtwid does evolve but you have to beat the game first. Then you can evolve any Pokemon that is a high enough level
You keep going to the end and then you can evolve
Pokemon evolve differently every time.
Tympole can evolve twice. Their first opportunity to evolve comes at Level 25, when it can evolve into Palpitoad. It can evolve a second time at Level 36, when it can evolve into seismitoad i hope i helped :)
Most Pokemon evolve by levelling up. It would be a waste of time to list all of the ones that evolve at certain levels.
first to get zwelious you need to evolve adieno a level 50 then get zwelious to level 64 then it will evolve in to hydria it takes a long time to evolve but it is worthit to do it couse it can learn loads of moves
You have to raise its IQ up to four stars, and then you can evolve it.
Audino does not evolve at any time in either game.