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I don't know, but I sure hope so - it's about time!

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Q: Will Freddie say that he loves Sam in iHire an idiot?
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Does Carly loves Freddie?

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Does Freddie like Sam on outside if the show?

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What happens on ihire a idiot on iCarly?

Their web show is getting more popular so it's more work. Carly Sam and Freddie interview interns and they think Cort is hot when they interview him so they hire him without letting Freddie have a say in it. Cort happens to be extremely dumb though. Then Freddie gets a fake hot female intern (Carly and Sam think she's real) who's really dumb too. Then the only way to get rid of the irritating female intern is for them to fire Cort too.

Does sam love Freddie on iCarly?

We will find out in the upcoming new episode called "iLost My Mind" premiering sometime in August of 2011.

What will sam do to Freddie if he said i love you and he means it?

well for more views and fans sam will say she loves him to and at the end of the episode theyll break up.

On the new icarly does sam or meledy kiss Freddie?

Sam kisses Freddie. It's both Sam and Freddie's first kiss. In the episode IKiss Sam and Freddie kiss, but in the episode ITwins it is Melanie, not Sam.

Do sam love Freddie?

Yes. If you watch iOMG, Sam kissed Freddie. Freddie's new app said that Sam was in love. When Freddie was talking to her, she kissed him.

Why does Sam kiss Freddie in iOmg?

Sam kisses Freddie because she has a crush on Freddie and while Sam and Freddie have a serious talk about love, Sam kisses Freddie without any notice. Although, Freddie likes Carly, Sam likes Freddie, and Carly's love is still undentified. The ICarly love tarin is just a different process and it is wacky.

Why do sam hates Freddie?

Because Sam thinks Freddie is a maniac brainiac.