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The Germans expected the invasion at the Pas de Calais, the narrowest part of the English Channel. Normandy was at one of the widest parts of the Channel, just barely within range of aircraft based in England to provide support to the invaders.

There was no large port near Normandy. The Germans knew that a modern army needs tons of supplies every day to keep operating. To get these ashore a port was needed, so the Germans expected the landings near some sizable port city, all of which they had heavily defended.

The Allies mounted a disinformation campaign, called Operation Fortitude, to fool the Germans about where the attack would come. This sought to reinforce the Germans belief that the landings would come at the Pas de Calais. So successful was this that Hitler continued to believe for weeks after the Normandy landings that they were only a diversionary attack, and that the main blow would yet come at the Pas de Calais. Believing this Hitler kept strong Germans forces waiting for this attack which never came, forces which, if sent to Normandy, might have succeeded in driving the Allied invaders back into the sea.

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Q: Why were Germans surprised by allied invasion at Normandy?
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Why were the Germans surprised by the allied invasion at Normandy?

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