The Kids of Degrassi Street premiered in January 1982. Degrassi Junior High premiered in 1987. Degrassi High premiered in 1989. Degrassi: The Next Generation premiered in 2001.
Paula Brancati is the actress who plays Jane on "Degrassi."
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Because that's the high school
degrassi... names are the same in espanol
you're banned...thats why you can't use message boards
some religious ones, like catholic
Well young one, Degrassi has been around for a long time because the first degrassi series to ever come out was "Kids Of Degrassi Street" in the 80's and since then 3 more degrassi series have aired: "Degrassi Junior High", "Degrassi High" and "Degrassi The Next Generation" which is still ongoing.
You can not "copy and paste" on a whiteboard. Using ANY HACKS AND CHEATS will get you banned forever on Yoville.
Degrassi The Next Generation
There is no Sam on degrassi, the only sam is a actor and he plays Kc on degrassi
My best guess would be that you were using "rolls" or "gets" on boards other than /b/. If you weren't, it's likely someone else in your house was. Nobody gets permanently banned unless they post felonious images, so you should be unbanned soon (the ban page will say how long it is).
The Kids of Degrassi Street premiered in January 1982. Degrassi Junior High premiered in 1987. Degrassi High premiered in 1989. Degrassi: The Next Generation premiered in 2001.
Paula Brancati is the actress who plays Jane on "Degrassi."
yes, she was
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Because that's the high school