It is impossible to prove what was not witnessed. they only have theories because nothing else is atainable in that field of study. more information will become available but I don't think the universe is just going to hand us a VHS labeled "The Origin of the Universe"
The origins of the Khasi People are unknown, and there are only unsubstantiated theories.
7 universes spinning counter clock wise. Another viewpoint. The only time that I have seen this term used is as another way of saying the "Multiverse". The Multiverse is a large number of "parallel" Universes. There are several different theories that propose the Multiverse, of which our Universe would be just a small part.
"Steady state". The person who coined the term "big bang" meant it to be taken derisively; Sir Fred Hoyle was a proponent of the "steady state" theory of the cosmos, in which the universe had existed forever pretty much as it is now, and would continue forever. But as evidence accumulated, the concept of a steady state universe began to be more and more untenable, and most astronomers and cosmologists now accept that the universe probably "began" at some point about 14 billion years ago. Some extremely exotic theories have bubbled up suggesting that the universe may be cyclical, that it may eventually collapse, or that it may continue to expand forever. These theories are still in flux, and are supported primarily by mathematical models rather than by observed facts. But keep an open mind; we're only at the beginning of this story.
There is reason to believe that there is an infinity of space out there, just as time is infinite, both in the past, and in the future. At some stage in this infinity of time and space, our universe began. In fact, the multiverse hypothesis says that our universe is only one of many such universes that have come into existence, or will in the infinite future. However, Einstein proposed that our universe (and therefore each universe if the multiverse hypothesis is correct) is curved, so that it in some way has an outer boundary contrary to Professor Hawkins saying the universe may have no boundary as the universe is possibly self contained. Minority viewpoint: The Infinite Universe Theory states that the universe exists everywhere and for all time. Thus the universe had no beginning, although each part of it has a beginning and an ending, being assembled from other parts in the necessarily Infinite Universe. This is in tune with the First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation), which states that "Matter and the motion of matter neither can be created nor destroyed." The opposing assumption is Creation, the belief that something could be created out of nothing. The Big Bang Theory of the origin of the universe is wildly popular largely because most people follow religious tradition in assuming Creation. In tune with that logic, modern physicists accept numerous odd claims such as the shibboleth that space could be curved even though it is supposed to be completely empty. For further details go to the whole point is the universe don't have a end because it has no beginning
The Kuiper Belt is named after Gerard Kuiper; he was one of the only scientists who had theories about the Kuiper belt in the early fifties
The origin of the universe is just that - a theory. We can only speculate how universe began - based on the knowledge we have up to now. There may be other factors - that could change our perspective on how the universe began - yet to be discovered !
Curiosity is a part of a scientist's life because only a curious scientist will thrive to answer certain theories
With the Truth being Known for such a short amount of Time, that is to say just only the last one hundred Years or so; the Question Is: How can it be that Every Major Religion that has had Their Foundations constructed before the granitic Facts were known be either relevant or valid?As regards our own theory of the origin of the Universe, mentioning only scientific theories, there is the big bang theory which is all but undisputed. The question is now what caused the big bang? There is the cosmic egg theory, Membrane theory (m-theory), and several cyclic theories (my favorite The Big Crunch Theory).
One of the main limits of empiricism is that it only applies to what can be observed. Theories can be extrapolated from these ideas but only in the observable universe.
There are some theories which suggest the possibility of other universes. However, there is no definite proof of other universes, and as of know we know of only one, our Universe.
bc scientific theories are hypotheses tested enough to be supported by evidence, and a fact is a proven thing. scientific theories are only right until theyre proven wrong
Today only a theory is generally adopted: the big bang theory.
There are countless stories. Science is the only way to get rational evidence based information. The rest are only myths.
The origins of the Khasi People are unknown, and there are only unsubstantiated theories.
To think that there was only one Big Bang and, wham, you have the universe, is strictly a theory. There are other theories suggesting otherwise; you should research all theories and choose for yourself what to believe.
Scientist study earth because earth is the place that we envolved on and is the only planet in our solar system that is know to support life and is the fifth- largest planet in our universe.
According to quantum theory, and many other theories, and scientists, there may actually be a multiverse. A multiverse is just what it sounds like - multiple universes. However, there is no proof of multiverses right now, so the only facts we have is that there is only one universe.