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Not Any LongerActually, ALL seasons have the same amount of time. Three months. Winter is December, January, and February. Spring is March, April, May. Summer is June, July, and August. Lastly, Autumn has September, October, and November. It's quite simple. 3 months, 4 seasons, 12 months in a year. 3x4=12.

Even though winter is three months, the same as the other seasons, it does seem like it is longer than the other seasons. That's probably because people stay inside more due to the cold weather, travel is sometimes more difficult because of snow and things like that.

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In the winter the sun is 'in' the other hemisphere - i.e. it is on the other side of the equator, where it is their summer. This means that the sun is visible for less time than when it is in the same hemisphere as the viewer.

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Q: Why nights are long during winter?
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Yes, winter nights are generally darker than summer nights. This is because the Earth's tilt causes longer nights in winter, resulting in more darkness compared to summer nights when the days are longer and nights shorter.

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In winter, nights are longer than days because the Earth's axis is tilted away from the sun, causing less daylight hours. This results in shorter days and longer nights during the winter season.

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The northernmost countries of Europe: Norway, Sweden Finland and Iceland. The further north you go the longer the days are in summer, and the longer the nights are in winter.

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How are the days and nights in winter in the North and South?

I think that it in the North and South, that the days and nights in Winter are cold and long. Because I think this, is because the North and South are far away from the equator. Hope that helped. :)

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The summer nights are shorter while the winter nights are longer.