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On the basis that the simple answers are always the best, it is because the Zulu group represents the largest part of the population, some 21.1%. Overall, Black Africans represent some 75.2% of the population

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Q: Why is zulu the major cultural group in gauteng?
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What is the one major cultural group of gauteng?

Type your answer here... ZULU

Which language is major in Gauteng?

Gauteng has no official languages. The largest are, however, are Zulu, Afrikaans, English and Sotho.

Which is the major language in Gauteng?

Gauteng has no official languages. The largest are, however, are Zulu, Afrikaans, English and Sotho.

Official languages of Gauteng?

Gauteng has no official languages. The largest are, however, are Zulu, Afrikaans, English and Sotho.

What is the major ethnic group in Africa?

The Zulu

What are other ethnic groups related to the Zulu?

The Zulu ethnic group is related to other Nguni-speaking peoples such as the Xhosa, Swazi, and Ndebele, who also reside in southern Africa. Additionally, the Zulu have cultural and linguistic similarities with the Sotho and Tswana peoples in the region.

What languages are spoken in Gauteng South Africa?

The most spoken languages in Gauteng are:• Zulu 17.8%• English 14.3%• Afrikaans 13.8%• Sotho 11.6%• Northern Sotho 10.6%

Is zulu a racist word?

Zulu itself is not a racist word, as it simply refers to a language being spoken in South African or to a person speaking Zulu, thus to a cultural group in South Africa, but it is probably possible to use it in a racist way, but that would depend on the context.

Are The Zulu the smallest or the largest Bantu ethnic group of Southern Africa?

The Zulu is the largest Bantu ethnic group of Southern Africa.

Is zulu always capitalized?

In English, "Zulu" is usually capitalized when referring to the ethnic group or the language spoken by that group.

What animals are important to the Zulu?

The Zulu are an ethnic group in South Africa. Goats and lambs are often used by the Zulu as sacrifices to the spirits.

What do zulus live in?

the zulu group live in the north east of Africa ;p