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Your sim is either pregnant (if you have Sims 2) or is ill with the flu (usually you would get a pop-up telling you this). To stop them throwing up make sure they rest by lying down on the sofa or bed and are off their feet until a pop up appears saying 'Your sim is healthy again'. If your sim is pregnant it will stop when they get their bump. Hope that helped.

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Q: Why is your sim throwing up?
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On sims 2 for ps2 if the guy is throwing up what's that mean?

If your Sim is throwing up, then your Sim probably ate some food hat was left out to long, and went bad. To prevent your Sim from throwing up and getting sick, make sure your Sim DOES NOT eat rotten food. (Normally, rotten food/drinks look darker or have green steam and flies) Oh and if did feed him that then he might die that happend to mine! If that happen then play the fiddle contest and if you cant win that then buy a one way ticket home for 100$ so make sure that doesnt happen!

Your sim keeps throwing up and she hasent whoo hooed with anyone what is happening?

She has food poisoning it will go on until she gets a long rest

My sim keeps throwing up what's wrong with her in the sims2 for ps2?

Well, darling, your sim is most likely pregnant. In The Sims 2 for PS2, sims can throw up as a sign of pregnancy. So, congratulations on your virtual bundle of joy! Just make sure to take care of your sim and give her some rest between all the puking.

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If your male sim in the sims 2 pets for ps2 get abducted by aliens and comes back sick throwing up in the toilet does this mean he's pregnant?

Yes it does it has happened to me before and they end up having a alien baby.

What does it mean when your Sim barfed 3 or 4 times wen pregnant on Sims 3?

Well sims throw up a couple of times and then the next day they will have a little baby bump, so them throwing is up is just morning sickness? - Angelme101

What is the scientific name for throwing up?

The scientific term for throwing up is "emesis."

Can throwing up lots kill you?

Yes throwing up alot can kill you. You can get it caught in your throat and choke on it.

Why is your sim not on the graveyard simms 3?

You have to move their grave there. Preferably by throwing a party and in the Party Planner in the Party Type Selecter select Funeral.

What rhymes with throwing up?

Going up!

How do you make a baby on The Sims 2?

Well in sims 2 life stories you make the man and the women relax. Then make the man cuddle with the girl. Then click TRY FOR A BABY!! And your sim girl will be throwing up in a few! lol

How do you help your mom stop throwing up?

The way to stop your mom throwing up is to make her think of ice.