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Objective for the Music Unit are realized through programs designed: for students who wish to pursue personal or professional interests in their applied area or to help them prepare for advanced study in graduate school; for students who desire to enter the teaching profession through preparation in their chosen area of specialization Vocal/Choral Music P-12 or Instrumental Music P-12; for students who wish to pursue a career in the music industry; for the general student through offerings in fundamental music courses, performing ensembles, and applied music; to provide a minor field of concentration in the College of Arts and Sciences.

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Music can teach many different subjects. As a mnemonic device, it can aid in memorization (who among us doesn't know the alphabet song?) Music Theory can teach mathematics with time signatures. Historic cultures can be studied (musical theatre, spiritual hymns, New Orleans jazz and blues). Interpersonal communication can be improved while playing music with other people. Romantic education can be taught. Just break out a guitar at a party.

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Q: Why is the sound of music important?
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The most important function of music in film is to?

True. Mood is the most important function of music in film.

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umm they are really mportant because if they are sick or dying they will make a sound that u would have to do.

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In music, loud refers to a high volume or intensity of sound, while quiet refers to a low volume or intensity of sound. Dynamics play an important role in conveying emotion and intensity in music.

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It was important to america becaus eit produced sound and music. It helped by keeping people in touch.

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No. Sound is anything from an explosion to a thousand nails on the blackboard, to the most beautiful music you have ever heard. Music is an organized niche of sound, an area where sound is at it's very best. But while music relies almost 100% on sound, music is not the same thing as sound. Sound is a much broader category.

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Here are some questions that will start you off: What IS music? How do you define it? Where does sound end and music begin? How is "originality" defined? Is music copyright law outdated? Why should music be a part of the school curriculum? Why is music important?

What is useful sound?

sound is music

What is sound used for?

sound is music

What is the two kind of sound in music?

vocal and instrumental are kinds of sound in music

When was Sound of Music - album - created?

Sound of Music - album - was created in 1982.

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The Production Budget for The Sound of Music was $8,200,000.

When was The Groovy Sound of Music created?

The Groovy Sound of Music was created in 1965.