The animators said that she was strange on purpose. Basically that she represented that "weird kid" in school. Once they started it just started spiraling to weirder and weirder. Check out the extras on the DVD or Blu-Ray for more details.
No where in Canada does Tim Hortons hire before the age of 15.
going to Tim Hortons eh?
Spoiler AlertIn the first Paranormal Activity, Micah dies at the end. He is stabbed to death by Katie, who is possessed by the demon.In Paranormal Activity 2, possessed Katie kills her sister Kristy and Kristy's husband Daniel.
a boy called robbie comes to stay with a family and since he has come strange things has happend in the house and there was wrighting on the wall saying hunter and so alex asks why itssays hunter and he said it was his name then katie kills the mam alex's friend and alex the mam got killed by she got swung in the air and droped on the floor the alexs friend dies becasse katie broke his neck and alex goes to this house and katie comes and she stands for 1 sec and then she runs up to her and prob pushes her of something
The Hortons and The Bradys
yes because the soldiers were feeling home sick so they set up a Tim hortons to make them feel more at home
The name Katie is so popular because it is easy to spell
The ticker symbol for Tim hortons is "THI".
Tim Hortons's motto is 'It's time for Tim's'.
His. His is a possessive pronoun and Katie's is possessive so you should use his
Tim Hortons is a coffee shop chain, not a population. It was founded by a Canadian hockey player in 1964 and is known for its coffee, donuts, and sandwiches.
There are 12 Tim Hortons in Newmarket, Ontario
yes Katie is so hot
It is likely that Tim Hortons is open on Remembrance Day, but you should call your local Tim Hortons to be sure that particular one is open.
Life - Is So Strange - was created in 1983.
Nothing So Strange was created in 2002.