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They named it "gold and silver" because there is a lot of gold and silver in Montana.

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Q: Why is gold and silver Montana's state motto?
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Montanas state motto?

Oro y Plata which is spanish for "Gold and Silver"

What is the gold state?

California's nickname is "the Golden State".

Whats montana's state motto?

The state motto for Montana is Oro y Plata. The translation to English is silver and gold. Montana is located in the United States.

What is Montana's state motto?

Montana's state motto is Oro y Plata. It is Spanish for Gold and Silver. The mountains in Montana have yielded large amounts of gold and silver since deposits were discovered in the mid 1800's.

Motto of Montana?

Montana's state motto is Oro y Plata. It is Spanish for Gold and Silver. The mountains in Montana have yielded large amounts of gold and silver since deposits were discovered in the mid 1800's.

What does Montana's state motto mean?

Montana's state motto is Oro y Plata (Spanish for "gold and silver "). The mountains of Montana have yielded fortunes in gold and silver since the first substantial deposits were discovered in the mid 1800's.

How did Montana get its state motto?

there is a lot of gold and silver found there

What is California's state motto?

The state motto of California is "I have found it"Eureka! this came from the gold rush referring to finding gold.

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caifornia's state motto is Eureka which 49er's said when they found gold.

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Missouri Western State University's motto is 'Discover Gold'.

What does the montana flag represent?

The Montana state flag represents the early pioneer life during the Gold Rush and its beautiful scenery. The incongruously Spanish motto is "Oro Y Plata" (Gold and Silver).

Was the gold rush in Nevada?

Nevada is the Silver State, so more silver was discovered than gold.