Yes. American Sniper is rated R for language, sexual content/nudity, some drug use and brief violence.
American Beauty was released on 09/15/1999.
The straight to video American Pie Presents Beta House (2007) is rated R.
it's not rated r it's rated m
Juno Temple has been in the movie little birds rated r,dirty girl rated r,cracks rated r,jack and diane rated r,kaboom not rated maybe r,magic magic.And many more
American Beauty Ltd- - 1989 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:6 (bw)
American Black Beauty - 2005 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG USA:PG
Yes. American Sniper is rated R for language, sexual content/nudity, some drug use and brief violence.
Miss All-American Beauty - 1982 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Iceland:L
Rated 'R' for Bloody Horror Violence and Gore, Some Graphic Sexual Content and Language.
15 i think.. R Rated is an American rating for a movie usually if it contains violence etc the closest proximaty in the UK would be an 18 for sure!
It is rated "R".
She wasn't in American Beauty (and isn't American).
Rated r
The Production Budget for American Beauty was $15,000,000.
American Beauty was released on 09/15/1999.
Predator (1987) is rated R.