they work on the great wall all day, every day and werent given food
The planet Earth had literally been laid to waste by the corporation "Buy n Large" which had promoted consumerism which ruined/trashed the planet and caused it to be abandoned leaving robots like Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class) to clean up the mess .
your suppose to get to the bottom of the solaceon ruins and get all four pokeballs (one will have defog) and on the wall their will be a message that says friendship all lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive (BTW at the top the message says the directions to get to the bottom which is top right lower left top right top left top left lower left). correct me if I'm wrong hope this helps!!
All People That on Earth do Dwell
You agree with her to join you and then take her to the exit
The Earth became so polluted that all the humans left the Earth on a Spaceship and all the animals and plants presumably died out.
All His disciples alive at that time were left behind and all the other people on the earth at that time.
Wall-es job on earth is to eliminate all of the trash?
The western wall in Jerusalem.
You get into the earth castle by kiling the samori in front of the gate then open the gate or if you look to the left of the door you can wall jump up into the castle.
its the one all the way on the left side, just keep pushing it and it brakes.
Jesus is praying for his friends on earth, his disciples, as well as all believers. he knows he is going to die soon and is praying for all the people that will be left on earth without him
Pretty much all the exterior ones; ever look at Google Earth?
The Left Ventricle has to send blood all through the body. This requires more force, therefore more muscle.
no only the black people stood all the white people left.
That would mean they all descended from Noah.
we will all die