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Accounts indicate that the garden was built by King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled the city for 43 years starting in 605 BC (There is an alternative story that the gardens were built by the Assyrian Queen Semiramis during her five year reign starting in 810 BC). This was the height of the city's power and influence and King Nebuchadnezzar is known to have constructed an astonishing array of temples, streets, palaces and walls. According to accounts, the gardens were built to cheer up Nebuchadnezzar's homesick wife, Amyitis. Amyitis, daughter of the king of the Medes, was married to Nebuchadnezzar to create an alliance between the two nations. The land she came from, though, was green, rugged and mountainous, and she found the flat, sun-baked terrain of Mesopotamia depressing. The king decided to relieve her depression by recreating her homeland through the building of an artificial mountain with rooftop gardens.

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Q: Why hanging gardens of Babylon are famous?
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Who was responsible for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

king Nebuchadnezzar was responsable for the hanging gardens of babylon

Was the hanging gardens of Babylon really hanging?

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were not really hanging in the sense that they were hanging from the Gardens upside down or anything, they actually were more draped as they grew, over the sides of the trellises and planters.

What country is the haning gardens of Babylon located?

The modern day country in which the Hanging Gardens of Babylon where, is now the present day Iraq

What were the Hanning Gardens of Baylon?

There was no such thing!! There were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon though.

King nebuchadnezzar built this for his wife in Babylon to remind her of her homeland?

One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was built by Nebuchadnezzar for his wife. It is called "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon''.

Related questions

Why is Babylon famous?

The hanging gardens.

Why were the hanging gardens of Babylon famous?

The gardens were Famous because it was built by a king

What ancient city was famous for its Hanging Gardens?

Babylon, Iraq

Who was the famous king in Babylon?

nebuchadnezzar he found the hanging gardens

Where were the hanging gardens first believed by many historians to be built?

600bc The question asked 'where'. The famous hanging gardens were in Babylon.

What river is surrounding The Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

The Mississippi River is surronding The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Why is the Chaldean city of Babylon famous?

There were the Hammurabi code and the hanging gardens.

Who was responsible for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

king Nebuchadnezzar was responsable for the hanging gardens of babylon

What do Ziggurat and the hanging gardens of Babylon have in common?

the hanging gardens of Babylon was one of the most magnificient structures made by the sumerians. A ziggurat and a the hanging gardens of Babylon do not have anything in common.

Why is Babylon one of the seven wonders of the world?

Yes, it was famous for its hanging gardens.

What is the ancient capital for the king Nebuchadnezzar who built the famous Hanging Gardens?


What can you do at the hanging gardens of Babylon?

what kind of stuff was there at the hanging gardens